The 7 Best Companies for Gen-Y Workers
BANGALORE: How do you keep 76 million-strong Millennial generation happy? Well, these companies are winning the game of attracting fresh young talent—and you’re surely in for some surprises.
As this new force filters into the workplace, organizations are discovering their youngest hires as the best weapon for innovation and growth. In order to know which companies offer the best perks and benefits for Millennials, here is the list of companies whose workplace cultures are a perfect fit for Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, and Generation X-ers, as reported by Christopher Tkaczyk of Fortune.
Intuitive Research And Technology
Revenue: $187 million
Millennial headcount: 32 Percent
Best Companies rank: 2 (Best Medium Companies to Work For)
Millennials at Hunstville, Alabama-based technology services firm Intuitive Research and Technology can have a life outside of work.
Commonly known for its services, 98 percent of the Gen-Y who work here say that the institution provides the most flexible balance work and personal life, onsite fitness center, fully-paid medical coverage, unlimited tuition reimbursement and a culture that values being best.
In addition, the company’s dress code may come as a surprise, because Intuitive has a culture that values being the best dressed and expects professionalism in employees’ personal presentation.
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