10 Items To Take Out From Your Resume

BANGALORE: Do you remember when the last time you had updated your resume? It’s important to do so before you search for a job. Ideally you should keep your resume fresh. Keep it up to date so that when you need to apply for a job your resume is ready to be sent off. Your resume tells your story so that recruiters can quickly learn about who you are and what you have done. They want to get to know about what you have been up to recently.

People try to fill their resume to make it look more impressive, but there are certain things that you should remove from your resume right now:

1. Objective

There was a time when every resume began with an objective statement. Today, these subjective statements are little more than fluffing that steal space from compelling content.
The vast majority of objectives say nothing. It is rare that an objective statement will help you, so it is usually best to take it out. Not to mention, it's generally quite hard to write a good objective statement. After all, you are telling the company what you are looking for, when in fact; the firm isn't there to help you achieve your goals.