Revealed! 5 Secrets to Advance in Your Career

Bangalore: There are certain traits and actions that employers identify and value as qualities that lead to promotion. Irrespective of whether you seek to advance along the technical or management ladder, these behaviors are critical to succeed in any sector. This course introduces you to those behaviors that can put you in the spotlight and help you make the cut for a promotion, as listed by Alexandra Moncure for Levo League.

Learn From a Bad Manager

Let’s face it folks! At some point of time or the other in your career, we are bound to work with a difficult manager. In such a situation, instead of running away from the problem, it is better if you face it and try to imbibe as much knowledge as possible. As per Gillian Gorman Round, who is general manager and senior vice president for Lucky magazine, we as professionals can learn a lot of things from bad mangers, starting from what we should never do when we reach that position, to the employee psychology when they are discriminated or put under extreme pressure. 

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