Best Cities for Job Seekers in India

Bangalore: The economy is adding jobs and the news can be more cheering, depending on where you live. Though some cities in India still have a long way to go when it comes to job opportunities, many small cities across India have emerged from the shadows of their illustrious metropolitans and have become bright spots for employment. According to the recent Monster Employment index, these are the 5 Indian cities where it is the least difficult to find employment, as listed on Yahoo Finance.

#5 Ahmedabad

June 2012: 105 (Employment Index Points)

June 2013: 120 (Employment Index Points)

Percentage Growth Year-Over-Year (y-o-y): 14 Percent

Ahmedabad, the Manchester of India, is the first city of focus in our list. It is the largest inland industrial center and the second largest industrial center in western part of India after Mumbai.

Traditionally, textile industry has been the main industry and is the driving force behind boom in this area. The city is also home to thriving chemicals and pharmaceuticals industry.

The last few years has also witnessed rise of IT industry in the city. A Nasscom survey in 2002 on the ‘Super Nine Indian Destinations’ for IT-enabled services (ITES) named Ahmedabad as the fifth most competitive cities in the country.

The ambitious projects that are expected to come up in the very near future are expected to create a plethora of employment opportunities across a wide variety of sectors.  

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