Research Stream Witnesses the Lowest Enrollment in India

Bangalore: Here is a shocker for the research community in India! The future of Indian research sector seems to be very bleak as a mere 1 percent of the students are opting to pursue research as a path across various universities in the country, said a document on “Higher Education In India At a Glance” prepared by UGC (University Grants Commission), as reported by Preetu Venugopalan Nair of TNN.      

The report also revealed that the maximum numbers of PhDs were awarded in the field of science (32.51 percent), closely followed by arts (31.3 percent) and the law stream garnered the lowest number of PhDs with about 1.37 percent of the total share.

This document was disclosed to all the universities in the country and UGC chairman Ved Prakash also requested the vice-chancellors of various universities spread across pan India to give their insights about how to deal with the issue.  

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