Product Managers and Developers Observe 23 Percent Growth in Hiring

Bangalore: As per WANTED Analytics, the leading resource of real-time business intelligence for the talent marketplace, in December of 2012, more than 39,000 employment advertisements were spotted online for Product Developers and Product Managers. As advancement in technology and product innovation drives business strategy in a recovering financial system, demand for product management and development skills has increased two folds since the financial meltdown. The number of product development and product management employment advertisements posted during December 2012 rose by a staggering 23 percent compared to December 2011, 30 percent compared to 2010, and 99 percent since 2009, as reported on

As there are a wide variety of roles within an organization that has a say on product development and overall management, there are numerous areas that commonly require the specific skill set of these professionals. These areas include marketing, engineering, sales, scientific and technical occupations.

More: Top 10 Sectors That Created the Highest Jobs in 2012