People with Simple Names do better in their Career

People with Simple Names do better in their Career

Bangalore: It is always seen that people prefer to select extraordinary names for their new-born so that he or she remains exceptional in the crowd, reveals "The New York Times." However, a new study demonstrates that if parents want their children to succeed in life they should better pick simple names that are easy to pronounce for their babies.

According to Aol Jobs, Melbourne University scientist Simon Laham, Adam Alter of New York University Stern School of Business, and Peter Koval of the University of Leuven, Belgium, revealed individuals with easy to pronounce names have more positive impression on people than people with complicated names. While conducting study, the researchers found that very few participants liked easy to pronounce names. However, it was noted that out of 500 U.S. lawyers, the ones with simple names had succeeded faster and are in senior positions.

Earlier researchers have highlighted that a name can affect your life as candidates with African American names were less expected to be called back for a job interview; kids with popular names are less likely to face trouble with the law; females with more feminine names are less probable to pursue math and science; and boys with names that are also common amongst girls are more probable to be suspended. The findings based on the "the name pronunciation effect" is completely new. The research, which comprised names from Anglo, Asian, Western and Eastern European backgrounds, was conducted in both lab settings and natural environments, and was in print online in December in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.