Only 5 Percent Women Hold Top 100 Posts in 27 Firms

Bangalore: Well, in the present economy throughout the world, the women workforce at many organizations globally are still making it a mark to be a part of the senior management level at least for a small extent. But when it comes to India, the situation is still worse when it comes to advancement of women to higher level positions, reports an unreleased report by a global HR consulting firm.
As per a survey conducted by Mercer, only 5 percent or lesser that that number of women hold top 100 senior level roles in half of the Indian firms that were surveyed. The survey also reported that, only 11 percent of the organizations said that they had more than 30 percent women in the top positions in their firms. The entire survey was conducted by covering 55 companies from India and 663 firms from Asia-Pacific. , However the good news was, 64 percent of the Indian companies said that they had no barrier in creating space for women to make it to the top, this good news was shared exclusively with the “Times of India”, reports Samidha Sharma on “The Economic Times” website.