Only 5 Percent Women Hold Top 100 Posts in 27 Firms

Those who agreed that there was a barrier created for the female advancement to the top levels in the companies, only 3 percent among those who acknowledged said that, it was the bias on the part of managers to be the main reason for such a low growth of women occupying the senior level positions.
However, most of the Indian organizations are trying to push on the gender diversity in their firm, so that they can focus on introducing more women in the key roles and also in the company’s board members. The pressure level has increased among the CEOs and other top leaders as there are being held accountable for promoting and mentoring the female talents to the higher level.
14 percent of the companies still reported that, it is the women workforces, who are not willing to promote themselves to higher roles and this is another vital reason for their stagnation in the company’s hierarchy. They believe that, things are supposed to change gradually, if you need to find more women in the higher level posts of firms across India.