No Decline in Private Sector Employment: Suresh

New Delhi: Employment in organized private sector in the country has gone up from 98.75 lakh in 2008 to 114.52 lakh in 2011 while the employment in public sector has declined from 176.74 lakh to 175.48 lakh.

These details were shared in the Lok Sabha by Minister of state in the Labour and Employment Ministry Kodikunnil Suresh in a written reply to a member's question.

He was asked if there had been a decline in employment in various sectors including public sector in the country.

"There is no decline in the private sector and the decline in the public sector is very marginal," Suresh said.

In response to another question, Suresh said that according to the last results of National Sample Survey, the estimated unemployment rate on usual status basis has marginally increased in the country from 2 percent in 2009-10 to 2.2 percent in 2011-12.

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Source: PTI