Negative Effects of Job Hopping

Bangalore: Some employees are well aware of the fact that their economic survival depends on the maintenance of cutting edge skills.This is the reason why they do not feel guilty when they switch to some other jobs for a better salary or better opportunities for growth. However changing jobs all the time and looking for the best deals and offers can be a risky business and can have an adverse effect on your resume and sense of professionalism. Suggested below are the negative effects of job hopping Questions may be raised about your skills
Many of short shifts in jobs on your resume will undoubtedly raise questions about your skills and work ethic, therefore be prepared with explanations, as most of the employers today hesitate to hire people who have held several positions for less than a year, because it demonstrate that their skills were not a match for several companies. Especially during non-recessionary times job hopping can prove to be a risky task.