India Hits in Freelancing Job Market

Bangalore: India is to accommodate more freelancers, while job market moves uninspired and dreary. After outsourcing industry, freelancing seems to be the next hit in the country. The new waves points out the ‘let’s move’ career path where U.S. protests outsourcing to India. The freelancing sector shows the slowdown and layoffs will not make any mark in the industry. Reports Malini Goyal of ET Bureau.

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The global online labour market is to welcome more skilled and talents, as well as the newly boomed up job market is said to occupy with well paying jobs. According to, Indians dominating the pace in freelancing job market with 38 percent of Indian users. “India is by far the biggest freelancing nation in the world”. CEO of, Matt Barrie said. “This is the new hidden economy, beyond borders, where people work and go everyday”. India is reported to be the number one freelancer country on their website with over 1.2 million among its more than 3 million users.

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