IT Firms That Pay Their Interns with a Truckload of Money

Bangalore: An internship could be a fresh approach towards acquiring knowledge and work experience and can land you in a job very easily. Today internships are a source of income along with an experience of working in a company that students may not acquire within classroom boundaries. Internships of all kinds can be found on the internet or through one’s reference easily. Paid internships are usually available in big sectors of the industry and have become the most exciting factor for many students.

Mainly in the technological field, numerous internships are offered with a good pay for students. Companies usually have a requirement for interns who present a good amount of work for the firm and are ready to pay them as well. High-profile companies usually give an irresistible amount as payment for the interns in order to catch their interest and to be able to hire them in the future. Here are some of the best paid internship companies that bid a good amount to their interns, as listed by Business Insider.

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