IITs To Boost PhD Enrollments To Pick Up Global University Rankings

BANGALORE: Reputed Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) will be leaning more towards research and are keen on doctorate students. As the country’s leading higher education centers are finding ways to boost their rankings on the global list of best universities.

IITs from Kharagpur, Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai are now deliberating on double enrolment of PhD candidates for the next 4-5 years in hopes of boosting research and obtaining international recognition in global ranking. However, IITs are presently finding it hard to make its name among the top global listings, reports ET.

A senior government official said, "Apart from providing a pool for high quality faculty and entrepreneurs to fuel the startup industry, increased focus on research will help the IITs to improve their image in world rankings."

IIT Delhi will be attempting to register 300 PhD students for this year and may be doubling the number in the following two years.

IIT Madras has drastically increased the intake of PhD students within the last two years from 200 to 500. At the same time IIT Kharagpur is also looking forward on increasing the number of PhD students two folds. Similarly IIT Bombay has also anticipated the rise in PhD students close to double within the next four years from the total of 210 recorded last year. The progress of which was seen this year were more than 500 doctorate students enrolled.  In hopes of picking up their global ranking for various parameters, IITs will be moving towards to gain more international exposure.

Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, Dean of Alumni Affairs and International Relations said, "For a better ranking, IITs will have to work around building an international brand. We at IIT Kharagpur are roping in our alumni network for the same," at the first IIT.

Anurag Sharma, Dean of Academics at IIT Delhi said, "Perception so far is that IIT Delhi is an undergraduate institute but we are now looking at establishing ourselves as a research institute. PhD is the main engine for research." He added, “The institute is building more hostel facility for PhD students.”

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