How Irritating is Your Co- Worker?

Bangalore: Are you tired of the irritating colleague who works with you or sits beside you? If yes, then remember that you have to handle them with tact to eliminate the inconvenience caused by him/her in your everyday life. However, you should keep in mind that because of his disturbances your mind gets diverted, as a result your performance gets deteriorated. This can also affect your career in future. Listed below are the some of the best ways to deal with an irritating co-worker.

1. Try to Avoid:

Avoiding is the best way to reduce the effect of the irritating co–worker.  Whenever you see your irritating colleague is approaching towards you, show him that you are too busy in your work and therefore you don’t have time to listen to him. Ask him to send an e- mail of whatever he has to say to you. If the irritating peer is intelligent enough, he will surely understand that you are trying to avoid him and will stop his interference in your work.