How Irritating is Your Co-Worker?

2. Be polite and discuss: 

Remember that you can make certain changes in the prevailing scenario by talking politely and making him understand in a good way about his particular behaviors that irritates you, the problems caused due to his disturbances and are affecting your work. Suppose if he talks too loudly over the phone tell him to reduce his volume as it tends to hamper your work. Your irritating peer may also be unaware of his irritating behaviors that are hindering your work. Therefore, you need to inform him and warn him.

3. Behave professionally:

It is always advisable to maintain a professional distance with your irritating peer. Workplace is a community where people come and go; therefore, you need not be friends with everyone. Be nice to your colleagues, but if their behavior tends to harass you, behave professionally with them and only interact with them whenever necessary.