How to Write a Perfect Email That Gets Response

Bangalore: Emailing is something for which you get an immediate response if it is very important, especially in the corporate world. This format of communication is also used to save a large amount of time. However, you can get an immediate response for your e-mail only when the message is drafted in the right manner. So, if you have been sending e-mails that are not getting immediate or at least a late response, here are few simple steps you need to follow to get a proper and quick response from the other side, as reported by Kailash Srinivasan on the mensxp website.

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1. Know who your target audience are:

It is true that you know very well about your target audience to whom you will send the mail. But many times, even after knowing our target audience people fail in receiving proper response from the other side. So, if you are sending any e-mail to your clients or to your colleagues and boss, the tone of writing the e-mail must be in a formal way. The formal way of writing the e-mail must be like the example given below.

Hello/ Hi Sir,

This is to inform you that………….



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