Do You Have What It Takes To Get A Job At Google?

Bangalore: Do you want to work in a company that pays the highest to its staffs, when it comes to the technology sector? If yes, then start looking for a job in Google. However, you need to posses all the qualities that are needed to get a job at Google. We use the search engine giant on our daily basis but we forget to appreciate the 32,467 full-time employees, who work to make our searching experience delightful when we gaze at our computer screens. These employees’ posses’ great caliber that has turned the company into a search engine giant and its appeal captivates almost everyone in the world.

 According to Psychology at your Career’s service, some of the Google employees are the highest earners with a reported salary of $141,00 (£86,800), which exhibits a 23 percent above the current market rates. The Googler’s avail job perks which include free gourmet meals, massages, tax-free bonuses and substantial raises.

So, you must be wondering that, what it takes to get a job at Google? Infographic suggests the process the search engine undergoes to hire its staff. By going through it you can have an idea of the hiring process and can form an initiative to increase your application chances.

Every year the search engine giant receives over one million resume and the company reviews each and every resume it receives, of those resumes they hire only between 4000 and 6000 applicants which is 1 percent to 4 percent. The hiring committee makes the hiring decisions. This also suggests that no hiring managers can make potentially bad decisions by themselves. The search engine giant concentrates more on hiring for talent relatively than focusing on specific skill sets. Listed below is the process of getting hired at Google.

1. Recruiter screen: The hiring managers at Google, review every resume they receive for technical requirements, education and experience to make sure that the candidate is potentially fit for the job.