Check How to Detect a Trustworthy Boss

Bangalore: The most common question that baffles every employee in today’s tough job environment is “Should an individual trust his/her boss?” Actually the answer exists in how an individual defines ‘trust’. Most often, people define ‘trust’ in a way that places impractical expectations on their respective employer.  They expect their boss to be moral, proficient and ethical in his / her behaviors, which is not an unrealistic request.  But people in all probability won’t stop there.  They usually expect their boss to be thinking about the employee’s interests ahead of others and assign the top most priority to the employees while taking any decisions that may affect the people working under them.  This is where the wheels of an individual’s logic begin to come off. 

Do bear in mind that, most bosses, just like the rest of us, are individuals who place their interest ahead of others and almost certainly are going to make decisions based on the things that matters them the most. Hence it has become essential for the employees to approach the workplace through a lens that can detect the pot holes of distrust while staying focused on seizing the next opportunity that comes your way and most of all, making sure that you don’t become the victim of someone undeserving of your trust.

Here are few tips that can help you evaluate the trustworthiness of your boss, as listed by Glenn Llopis on the Forbes website.