Best-Paying Careers for Women in 2012

Bangalore: We have witnessed a tremendous change in the involvement of women in our job market for last decades compared to the kitchen-life they led in past days. Their earnings also become an important income in families. Women’s roles in corporate world play a significant role in developmental process as they are said to have multi-tasking skills compared to their counterparts. In regards to the recent study by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Jenna Goudreau of Forbes reports that even though, compared to men, more women are earning higher education but a gap of 18 percent is visible in their remuneration package where men are paid well.

Check out here Top 5 Ideal Employers of 2012 in India

But, more astonishingly one third of working women’s are reportedly said to earn more than their husbands, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and 63 percent of growth is reported in the average income of women over last three decades.

Check out here Most Expensive Employees in the World

BLS has put a list of highest paying jobs for women in this year, reporting that healthcare, science and technology, and business fields are topping in the list.