Best Jobs for Introverts and Extroverts

2. Marketing and Sales Department:

Even though you are an introvert, your creative mind and interest in the marketing field can fetch you a job in that sector. Many may think that being in a marketing field is really a tough and challenging job as you need to convince your customers and need to have better communication skills which are the basic skills needed for marketing management. But in this field there are some posts for an introvert as well like the market research analyst, internet marketing analyst, marketing copywriter etc. For an extrovert this can seem like an easy job. The posts that suit them better in this field are advertising sales agent, public relations specialist, marketing manager etc.

3. Information Technology:

Many believe that it is the introverts who suits better for an IT job as they like to work for projects behind the skills without worrying about promoting any ideas or products. It is the job best suited for them as they can just work inside the organization. But this profession also suits the extroverts as even they have some good designations within this field like independent web developer, professional tech blogger, and they can be also an entrepreneur. For an introvert, they can be software engineers, computer system analysts etc within this field.