Best Careers for Silent Workers

Bangalore: Many professionals prefer loneliness while working and most of them search for career stream that suits their attitude. There are few professionals in India, who serve from home to a reputed company as a software engineer or any other professions. But there are few professions which are meant for people who are tagged as ‘silent workers’ or the ‘quiet worker’. Here is the list of jobs which are meant particularly for silent workers where they can have less chances of socializing with other people.

1. Technical Writers:

Technical writers are also considered technical communicators. The prime duty of a technical writer is to design, create and maintain technical documentation. These documentations are mainly the user guides/manuals for gadgets and other technical products like washing machine, fridge, grinders etc. They are also into writing project plans, test plans etc. Though engineers, scientists and other professionals can also write technical articles, they had their article to the proofreaders to get it corrected, edited, and finally to get approved. This job can be considered as a job for silent workers because, once you enter this profession, you must be more focused on putting the industrial and technical terms into a layman’s terms, so that even the common user can get to know how to use the device.

More: Highest Paid Government Jobs in India.