Best Careers for Silent Workers

2. Network system analyst:

Among most of the technical careers, the network system analyst’s job is in high demand at present. Many companies are having increased requirement of network analysts. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, it has been reported that there will be a 20 percent growth in employment of systems analysts from 2008 to 2018. This percent is considered to be much faster than any other positions in the technical field. The demand for these professionals will increase when the companies continue to adopt sophisticated technologies. This job can be considered as the quiet job because these professionals are much involved in their computers as they design, test and evaluate computer systems like, wide and local area networks, internet and intranets etc.

3. Medical Transcriptionist:

The medical transcription is also called as MT and it is an allied health profession that deals in the procedure of transcription. The duty of a medical transcriptionist is also to covert the voice-recorded reports as said by the physicians or other healthcare professionals into a text format. The key reason to consider this job as a silent one for the workers because, most of the times they need to listen to what the physicians are dictating rather than talking. In India, this profession is emerging day by day and they are also allowed to work from home.