A Reclusive Boss Can Turn You Up A Leader!

Bangalore: If your boss is a recluse, who locks himself in a chamber throughout the day except for times when he has to visit the washroom,  keep in mind that these kinds of people are quite knowledgeable and are less likely to make mistakes, they only reflect their abnormal behavior while social interactions. However, in that case you will have to rely on your personal relationships with relevant stake holders, as you will not get face time to look for clarifications with your boss suggests Adil Malia of “The Economic Times”.

According to Adil in such kind of a workplace where there is a reclusive boss, the team is most likely to get split, where the members will end up in gossip and games and will also start lacking common sense, courage and potential.

Usually a useless recluse manager is avoided by his companions, who have a negative feeling towards him.  Until and unless one has a great social networking skill he or she is ruined in the corporate world.

Meanwhile, Adil says that even if you have a reclusive boss, you should look at the brighter side of it as it is sure to benefit your career because there will be several opportunities emerging up for you on the horizon in the near future, but you should have enough skills and knowledge and also have the general ability to socialize.

In such kind of a scenario where you have an incompetent recluse boss you should try filling up the vacuum by steadily socializing with people in the workplace as this is quite important to learn your boss’ job.

For a competent but recluse boss the challenge and context seems to be quite different, as although he is a recluse his proficient nature will enable him to know his job well and may be recognized in your organization and at times, in the industry as a genius. In this case your work will not suffer as you will be suggested and given by him the right information and appropriate instructions. Keep in mind that knowledgeable recluses are at times very dear to their reporting managers (your superboss), who may have recognized their genius nature.