9 Reasons That Explain Your Interview Failure

Unprofessional behavior

The interviewers are constantly screening your actions and manners during the interview. Any sign of unprofessional behavior will reflect negatively and is likely to pull you back from impressing the company folks. Arriving late, arriving unprepared, aggressive or unprofessional body language, being unfamiliar with your CV, treating the interviewer in an arrogant or over familiar manner, talking at length about your personal life and exaggerations or outright lies about your work history shows lack of respect for the interviewer and professional norms as well.

Least interest in the company
Employers generally like to hire candidates who are enthusiastic and keen on bringing up the company’s name.  Asking smart and relevant questions about the company enlightens the interviewer about your thoughts and knowledge about the company. Praising the company on its successful journey tends to make the interviewers happy. It is important that you prepare well before you go for the interview so that you can portray your excitement thoroughly on joining the company.

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