9 Reasons That Explain Your Interview Failure

You skipped out on the cover letter
Every CV that you send to a firm must be accompanied with a cover letter that explains your motives. Cover letter is of great importance as it adds value to your CV and explains its objectives. A cover letter is usually short and precise that can convey your message. It is a meaningful substance when you apply for a job and it leaves the employer in no doubt when you mention your interest in the company along with your unique qualifications. A cover letter surely connects you with the recruiter in a more personal way and your efforts will not go in vain.  

Poor follow up with the employer
You wouldn’t just want your CV to be stacked up and forgotten, would you? Employers get tons of CVs on an ongoing basis and your CV too is more likely to add to the pile if you do not follow up with the employer. You must constantly remind them about your application, but not in a pestering manner. To get the interview call quickly, you must follow up with the recruiter and urge him to meet an exciting personality like yours.

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