9 Happiest Jobs in the World

Bangalore: Let’s face it; most of us are unhappy with our present job and aspires to land a job which is more fun to work. But are you aware of any such profession that is fun to work or the ones where employees don’t cringe when they hear the alarm go off every day in the mornings, because they are aware that they are about to spend a day doing what fulfills them the most.

Here is a handpicked list of the happiest professions on the earth, as listed by Steve Denning of the Forbes.

9. Operating Engineer:

These are professionals who ensure that the manufacturing systems of business organization are adequate and functional, as well as guarantee that they are inclined to industry practices and senior management’s specifications. They build highways or erect skyscrapers and include surveyors, engineers sitting at computers guiding construction, crane operators and other skilled laborers. 

This field of work is heavily unionized and the professionals enjoy attractive perks, along with high hourly wage.