9 Worst Things about Job Hunting

Bangalore: Searching a job is all about how you will keep motivated all the time. Actually, it is a big task, where you have to show all the characteristics of a professional. It can define how smart you are, how much self-motivated and how much organized you are. Being the tough job you are ever going to handle, there are few worst things you need to deal with while getting into the job market.

The co-author of ‘Managing to Change the World: The Nonprofit Manager's Guide to Getting Results’, Alison Green has said about the ten worst things about job hunting, in one of her article in Usnews.com.

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1. Contradictory advice: Advices are sometimes paradoxical

This is the worst thing you come across while searching for a job. Either it’s a personal advice or a common advice or the advices or tips you found online, most of them are just contradictories. You may get hundred of articles about how to craft your resume and what should not be included and what should be. But again when you cross check another one; ironically it will be just opposite to the other.

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