8 Simple Ways to Combat Stress at Workplace

Bangalore: Stress is a common evil that every employee has to face in his day-to-day life. The ever increasing productivity targets, very limited time, struggle to carve out some kind of existence outside of work and economic uncertainties have created a feeling of powerlessness and fear among people.   

Here are few tips that can help you to efficiently defeat stress at your workplace, as reported by Kevin on ‘Free $ Wisdom’ website.

1. Take New Responsibilities:

Most of the time stress is a direct result of boredom or lack of desire to work. The only way to overcome such a problem is to take on some new responsibilities that give you an opportunity to venture into new areas and learn new skills. This gives your job a fresh feel and a sense of satisfaction, even if it does not change the job fundamentally. 

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2. Exercise Regularly:

Exercise is the best and the most efficient way to beat stress. It has a direct positive impact on your general health and also acts as a stress reliever. Regular exercise makes you feel good overall. This good feeling translates into your work and helps to increase your productivity.

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