8 Professions That Make You Crave For Better Sleep
Social Workers
As per the Bureau of Labor Statics (BLS), these professionals are in short supply; as a result they often have to work with huge workloads, which involuntarily lengthen their working hours. They are also forced to work in the evenings and on weekends to meet with clients’ needs, all of which adds to their sleeping woes.
Computer Programmers
Though most of these professionals work for 40 hours a week, longer hours are quite common due to stringent deadlines, hectic nature of the job and other technical issues. This can be seen as the major reason behind the lack of sleep in this line of work.
Financial Analyst
Being a financial analyst is arguably the toughest job on the planet. Since a major chunk of the day is spent on traveling, meeting clients, answering calls and other important issues, they are forced to take their incomplete-tasks home and burn the midnight lamp to complete the work.
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