8 Most Unlucky Jobs of All Time

Crocodile Keeper

One look at the deadliest predator on the Earth can scare the hell out of any individuals. But these professionals have to endure this horror on a daily basis. In spite of the ever-lurking danger from these potential man-eaters, a crocodile keeper has to put his life at stake and carryout duties such as feeding the hungry predators, cleaning its waste, inspecting and repairing enclosures, and physically examining/treating the crocks regularly to keep them healthy.

Skyscraper Window Cleaner

This job is definitely not for the faint hearted. Working on a small platform suspended hundreds of feet above the ground can be nerve-racking. Though the pay is good and the view is spectacular, the high degree of risk and the hectic work facing the natural elements elevates this job into the league of the most unfortunate jobs in the world.  

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