8 Indian Students Who Bagged Hefty Pay Packages From Facebook and Google

2. Radhika Mittal:

Radhika Mittal, is another such IITian who has made the country proud by bagging a huge offer from the social networking giant, Facebook. This final year student from Computer Science and Engineering is the first and the only girl from IITs across pan India to have received an offer from Facebook and was reportedly offered a package of approximately 65, 00,000.

On an interview with Divya Nair of Rediff, Radhika revealed that she was in class XI when the programming bug bit her. She added that the sheer fact that adding or removing few lines could completely change the way things looked on the web mesmerized her.  

She also said that, the presence of a significant number of Indian employees in every top company around the world proves that Indian brains at par with the best in the world. And the incredible performance of Indian employees during their job tenure has boosted the confidence of corporate biggies on the man power from our country.