8 In-Demand Outdoor Jobs That Let You Ditch the Cubicle

If you aspire to have plenty of fieldwork under the big blue sky, opt to be a geologist. As a geologist you will be involved in the study of rocks, the minerals and the strata of planet in a pursuit to unlock the various secrets of the earth. You might also stroll through various forests taking note of the soil types, walk through the caldera of a volcano or even explore the remains of an ancient shipwreck in the bottom of the sea.
A degree in geology is often the minimum educational requirement to enter this field.
Athletic Trainer
Do you aspire to swap a cubicle or a corner office for a sports related career? Consider being an athletic trainer.
Being an athletic trainer can be an extremely rewarding if you are a sports fanatic or someone who advocates the love of sports. If you are fond of children, this line of work can be double delight, since along with handsome pay; you will also get an opportunity to work with children on a daily basis.
A degree or a diploma in athletic training is essential to land a job in this line of work.