7 Office Entities Headed For the Graveyard

7. Business Cards:

Business cards are one of the oldest, simple and low-tech, yet most popular methods of business promotion. These cards often represent the first impression of the company or service, and provide fundamental information about the business and its associated members. Business cards are basically a tiny form of advertizing, and are a means to encourage potential customers to make contact and receive additional information about the product or service.

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Business Cards serve as a means of introduction and a valuable method of acquiring or retaining business connections. In spite of its numerous advantages, the business cards are destined to lose their shine and slowly pass through the drain in the coming years. With the advent of social networking it has become extremely easy for aspiring business persons to make fast, efficient and stickier connections.

Smart phones, tablet computers, and cloud storage systems such as Dropbox and iCloud are some of the gadgets and tech that are most likely to replace the above mentioned outdated entities in the coming years.

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