7 Office Entities Headed For the Graveyard

5. Desk Phones:

Presently, emails and instant messages have rendered most phones conversations unnecessary and most professionals feel that desktop telephones will soon be merely decorative. With superior wireless penetration, it’s no surprise that many people are using mobiles and other internet voice services as their primary means to connect.

Though it is cheap, stable and reliable; the lack of portability, eavesdropping and hijacking of line have led to the downfall of this handy tool.

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6. Office Cubicle:

Cubicles have been the norm in numerous office environments for a number of years. But due to small overall space and rapid advancements in technology, open office layouts where coworkers share a common work space without separations or partitions are replacing cubicles.

Open work spaces have their own set of advantages and drawbacks. While they may foster team work, creativity and brainstorming, noise in such spaces can be very annoying and might have a negative impact on productivity.

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