7 Jobs Where Women Get Paid More than Men

2. Advertising Broadcast Producer:

Advertising Broadcast Producers is a profession that is craving for women’s touch. It is an ideal profession for women wherein the job description involves overseeing and facilitating every related area of the broadcast production process for the clients. These professions are responsible for everything starting from budgets to timelines. Advertising broadcast producers oversee the production of promotions, programming segments, or an entire show. The typical duties of this professional includes scouting, selecting shoot locations, designing show schedules and managing live programs as they go on air.

As per the PayScale website, the average annual salary for a female Advertising broadcast producers is in the region of $55,600 per annum, which is 9 percent above the average annual salary for males in the same profession. The median wage of males in this profession is $50,596 per annum.

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