7 Coolest Jobs on Earth You Must Try!

2. Travel Presenter:

It is a fact that 90 percent of the people on Earth love to travel. Now imagine travelling the world over and being paid for it!

Being a travel presenter, is like being on cloud nine wherein you are given the opportunity to travel the world over, visit places that you have never been to, meet people who wouldn’t have crossed your path otherwise and experience things that you would never have experienced otherwise.

Though it is a tough job wherein you might have to be away from the family for about 42 weeks a year, and endure constant pressure to perform at the peak of your abilities, the sacrifices are worth the effort. 

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3. Foodie:

Trying out new cuisines and being paid for it is the best thing anyone can ever wish for. Add the travel element to it and you have a super cool job in hand.

In addition, there are other exciting career options in this field such as food writer or a food stylist. If you are a foodie and have a passion for writing, you can opt to be a food writer. As the name indicates the job description of a food stylist is to garnish the food and make it more presentable, hence if you are an individual with a flair for the latest trends and styles, than it is a perfect-fit for you.

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