7 Office Entities Headed For the Graveyard

Bangalore: The last decade has been a fruitful period with a windfall of new gadgets and gizmos. The rapid advancement of technology and introduction of innovative gadgets have changed the whole world and bought a new way of life. These advancements have affected the way people think, live, carry out business, connect with others and acquire information.

Presently, most people have got used to blazing fast internet, touch screens and the ability to have the world at their fingertips within an instant. In the process, a few things that once were deemed to be social mainstay are now either outdated or on their way out. The present exponential pace of advancement in technology is bound to continue, and the coming years are going to witness even more everyday tools / tech relegated to the ‘artifact’ status.

Here is a list of such out of date tools and tech that are bound to be relegated to the ‘relic’ status and are on their way to graveyard, as listed on MarketWatch website.