7 Jobs That Are Not As Glamorous As They Look
Bangalore: No job is perfect; even the so called “Dream Jobs” are not without glitches or drawbacks.
With this is mind we have put together a list of jobs that are glamorous on the outside, but are plagued by various issue ranging from meager pay, lack of work-life balance and other issues that are not very attractive, as listed by Jacquelyn Smith of Forbes and other sources.
Radio and Television Announcers
As the name indicates, these professionals work in broadcast media such as radio or television.
It takes more than just winning a smile to earn a living in this line of work and in most cases only mega-stars take home huge paychecks.
As per the PayScale website, the average annual salary of these professionals is in the range of 3.60 lakh. But most struggling radio or television announcers take home a poultry wage of around
1.59 lakh.
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