7 Coolest Jobs on Earth You Must Try!

Bangalore: Every individual has a passion in life. It might include shopping, playing games, partying, traveling all around the world, etc. And it is a fact that every individual aspires to pursue his passion in the free time after work. But did you know that there are some careers in the world that allows an individual to pursue his passion and make it his profession, have a great time and in addition earn solid bucks? If you are not aware with it, check out the list of cool careers given by Abhishek Mande on the Rediff website, just for you.

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1. Lifestyle Blogger:

Being a part of the nightlife in the B-town is a dream of many. Now imagine being paid just to do so! You are able to rub shoulders with your favorite superstars and the best part is you are being paid. It is leading a life that thousands of us only dream of.

Being a lifestyle blogger is the coolest professions on the Earth. All you need to do is attend the coolest parties / events in the country, party all night long, chat with the celebrities, take pictures and videos, tweet and finally write blogs about the event the next day. 

In addition, you can travel all around the world and cover fashion expos, luxury private parties and so on. And unlike the boring 9 – 5 jobs, a lifestyle blogger has no fixed schedules. Their schedules are built around the major events such as Bollywood launches, fashion shows or branded parties.

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