6 Ways How Your Online Reputation Kills Your Chance for a Dream Job

4. Offering a Lot of Information:

It can be beneficial for you to abstain from discussing politics, religion and any other controversial topics online. This is because your political outbursts or strongly-worded opinions may not go well with the employers. And the chances of the recruiter awarding you the job over someone with a clean online reputation is very slim.

5. Questionable ‘Friends’:

Be wary of the online comments made by your friends and colleagues. Since any negative comments by them could hurt your future job prospects. Do take into consideration that while analyzing the merits of a job applicant, most recruiters or HR professionals take into consideration and weigh the comments made by members in his / her friend circle. 

6. Ties to Controversial Groups:

Any ties or association with controversial groups can hinder your chances of landing a job, as most recruiters view such associations as red flags in your character. Hence with a view to safe-guard your online reputation, it is wise to remove any indications of such ties from your online profiles.

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