6 Behaviors That Can Get You Fired!

2. Poor Performance:

Performing tasks slowly, with numerous errors can have a negative impact on one’s professional life. Employees with such sloppy attitude and absence of inclination towards doing a good quality job are bound to get fired, unless they act quickly and change their approach for more productive deeds.

More: Exit Strategies for Resigning Gracefully

3. Refusing To Follow Directions and Orders:  

Every employee should understand that it is very essential for them to follow the directions and to act in accordance with the request of their superiors at workplace, for a smooth and healthy relationship with the management.  Anyone who doesn’t comply with this moral code of conduct is certain to be terminated.

More: Riskiest and Deadly Jobs in India

4. Inconsistent or Unreliable Work and Behavior:

Employees should always be consistent and unwavering in their productivity and behavior in order to benefit the organization and produce profits or positive turnover. Any ups and downs in the productivity and accuracy in their jobs will congregate to meet dire consequences.