6 Career Options for People Who Are Fond of Illegal Activities

Bangalore: Being associated with what we love makes work less hectic and more entertaining. But what if we love a job that is against the law and is potentially dangerous? In such a situation, it is advisable to combine one’s passion and skills with a line a work that allows them follow their obsession within the limits of the law.

Here is list of alternative career options for people who aspire to exploit their craving for illegal activities within the boundaries of law, as listed by Jessica Shear of the Koldcast TV.


Have you ever forged your parent’s signature in your report card or permission slip? Have you ever used your older siblings ID card to gain access into parties or bars? If yes, you must be an expert in slipping into others identity at ease and being a professional impersonator can be just what the doctor suggested to exploit your skills to the fullest.   

You can also opt to be a celebrity impersonator and rent yourself out for parties or work as a look-alike for security purpose.