6 Career Lessons That Game Of Thrones Teaches You

Always be ready

Always be alert and be aware of the situation, as the tide may turn and you are in its way to be shredded to pieces. So always keep a check and use your mind diligently to grope out of situations which strike you on impulse. Take the example of the dwarf who would have his head away from his body by now long before, if he hadn’t crawled out of situation making them turn in his favor. Remember for every hill that is hard to climb there is another side where you can slide off easily.

Know when to move on

Knowing, judging and understanding are three different things, knowing the situation gets you the info as to what is to happen, judging is in what way it can affect you and understanding is in what way you can get yourself out of this and get out of a place where you aren’t favored. Sir John Mormont was the perfect example as he moved from Westeros to Daenerys’s side and later after his true self is revealed he once again moved on.

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