5 Ways to Manage Conflict with Your Boss

4. Discuss the Issue and The Possible Solution With Your Boss Privately and Personally:

If you let the emotions take control of you, you are bound to land in trouble. Hence it is advisable to stay calm, cool, collective and stay professional while discussing with your boss privately. Also remember to put across the possible solution in addition to the cause. This will facilitate a discussion rather than a finger pointing session. Also be prepared to listen to what your boss has to say regarding the conflict as it isn’t all about you.

5. Wait It Out:

Patience is the key for managing conflict with the boss. Sometimes it makes even more sense to be patient and wait it out rather than confronting the situation head on. Always remember, your boss has a lot on his plate and has to deal with a high stress level as he has to manage the entire organization. Hence choosing a right time to discuss can be a constructive move.

If your boss doesn’t walk the required mile to resolve the conflict, you can always request your HR representative to intervene and resolve the issue as soon as possible.

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