5 Ways to Land a Job That Makes a Difference

4. Connect With Others:

Knowing someone who is already doing well in any sector is a plus, and this field is no exception. Try to interact with them regarding their career path, goals and the hardships they had to undergo to reach that level. Find and interact with groups that converse about giving back, whether it is on the community service or intersection of social change and technology. Establish a link with online communities and track blogs that focus on careers that have a social impact.

5. Define Your Needs:

This is the place where exactly most people go wrong or get stuck when it comes to pursuing a career that has a social-impact. Set your priorities straight and identify the underlying problems to avoid any kind of mishaps in the future. In the social service sector, there is an increased emphasis on having values, tangible impact and purpose. And you cannot succeed or make a difference until you find a sweet spot of knowing your needs, the talent you can offer to the world, and the needs of the people you want to serve.

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