5 Degrees that Can Leave You Deserted After Graduation

Bangalore: All college degrees are intended to expand an individual’s mind, help them discover new things and challenge their understanding of the world around them. But when it comes to landing a job at the end, unfortunately not all college majors are equal.

Do you aspire to land a lucrative career and want to ensure that you don’t waste your valuable time by landing in wrong educational tree? Then here is a brief overview on 5 college degrees that can leave you high and dry after your educational journey, as listed by Jennifer Berry on Yahoo Education.

#5. Studio Arts:

Are you a rational artist dedicated to studio arts? Think twice before opting to spend your precious time and money to land a job in fields.

Though a studio art major helps an individual to develop job critical skills such as analytical and critical thinking; design, drawing and digital media skills; ability to create and communicate visually; and creativity, it does not necessarily guarantee a job

As per Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce report, the unemployment figures for recent grads in this field have always been high compared to any other non-technical major. And as per Barbara Safani, owner of Career Solvers and author of ‘Happy About My Job Search: How to Conduct an Effective Job Search for a More Successful Career’, there are lots of drawbacks of this college major. As per her, it can be a challenge to earn a respectable living in this industry and also the skills learned through the program does not have an immediate relevance to the corporate world, which makes it highly repulsive in the eyes of a recruiter in the corporate firm.