5 Degrees that Can Leave You Deserted After Graduation

#4. Film Video and Photographic Arts:

It is a fact that, most people fantasize of going off to lead a glamorous life of a fashion photographer or a filmmaker. If you are one amongst them, it might be worthwhile to carry out a quick reality check before deciding to follow this fantasy all the way and leap into this major.

As per the Georgetown report, the unemployment figures for recent grads in film video and photographic arts is at a astounding rate of 12.9 percent. And as per Barbara Safani, the complications don’t necessarily end there. As per her, much of the work in this industry is done at major centers of a country, and if an aspiring individual does not reside in one of these geographies, chances of landing a job in this industry are relatively slim. She also added, the work of this industry is unsteady and may not offer the same benefits or compensation found in other industries.