5 Surprising Work Habits That Make You Sick

2. Bad Posture

There are not many organizations provide ergonomics specialists to design your working equipments and devices in accordance to your viewing angle, seat back angle, viewing distances etc. Not only your ergonomics even your sitting posture will cause you suffer health problems like muscle strain and fatigue. Sitting continuously for hours will reason poor blood circulation. To prevent exhausting yourself and suffering muscle pain, you have got to get up and walk around.

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3. Your Commute

If you are one of those who travels long way to office, then surely your health will be affected. Haven’t you experienced your hectic commute changing your eating, sleeping, and exercise habits?

“Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis found people who travel 15 miles each way were more likely to be obese and have an unhealthy waist size” reports wcsh6.com. Too much of travelling can lead to stress as it gives you inactive for long time. Higher body mass index, cholesterol and blood pressure are the common consequences while your excessive traffic reasons heart disease, diabetics, stroke, and kidney failures.

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