5 Sectors That Can Emerge as India's Largest Employers in Future

2. Telecom:

Presently, the Indian telecom sector is on cloud nine. It is growing at a great pace and the growth rate is expected to double up with every passing year. In fact, the Indian telecom industry has come into view as one of the fastest growing telecom sector in the world. As per Zinnov estimates, India’s subscription base is nearly 850 million and the telecom operators are adding a whopping 8 – 10 million new subscribers every month.   

With the advent of new technologies and greater demand for connectivity, the telecom industry is going for high scale recruitments. Currently, there is a huge demand for software engineers, mobile analyst, and hardware engineers in this sector. Also there are plenty of opportunities for marketing people, whose services are required to capture more and more customer base.

The new ventures, innovative technologies, expansion of coverage areas, network installations, and maintenance are providing a large number of employment opportunities in the telecom sector.     

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